Composing Components with Spin 2.0
Over the past few years, WebAssembly (Wasm) has become an exciting new target for applications. Its small binaries, polyglot bytecode, and fast startup times make it a wicked unit for serverless applications. From the start, Spin aimed to make it easier for developers to get started using Wasm and take advantage of each advance in the technology. With Spin 2.0, we have unlocked an exciting evolution of Wasm, the component model. This blog walks through how to take advantage of components in Spin 2.0.

WebAssembly, WASI, and the Component Model
WebAssembly has evolved to support many languages and environments beyond browsers, enhanced by WASI for system interactions, and is utilized in Fermyon's Spin platform for serverless functions.

WasmCon 2023: The Rise and Realization of the WebAssembly Component Model
The inaugural WasmCon happened last week. Here are the highlights.

Wasm, WASI, Wagi: What are they?
Any new technology comes with a litany of new terminology. WebAssembly is no different. In this post, we take a look at how Wasm (short for WebAssembly), WASI (the WebAssembly System Interface) and Wagi (WebAssembly Gateway Interface) work together. The Fermyon Spin framework makes use of all three of these.

5 Fun Wasm Projects (that you might not have known about)
In this post, we're going to explore some of our favorite WebAssembly projects that you may not have heard of before

Running Python in WebAssembly
Python can now be compiled to Wasm. In this post, we show how to run cloud-side Python in a WebAssembly runtime.

Introduction to WebAssembly on the Cloud
WebAssembly may have started as a browser technology, but it has moved outward. One hugely promising space for WebAssembly is in the cloud. Its security, speed, size, and flexibility make it a great basis for building cloud services.

Wasm.Builders: The Site for Learning WebAssembly
Introducing a new community for sharing WebAssembly news and information
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