This May 16th, Matt Butcher and Radu Matei will be speaking at WasmDay EU in Valencia, Spain about “Why (and How) We Wrote a WebAssembly CMS”. In this exciting presentation, you’ll be introduced to the methodology behind Bartholomew, our blazing-fast CMS that compiles to WebAssembly.
Throughout the talk, Matt and Radu will discuss how the power of Wasm enables this cloud-side CMS to enable better performance, SEO optimization, and a low resource footprint while being easier to use than modern static site generators.
Here’s the abstract:
Our website,, is powered by a cloud-side CMS written specifically to be compiled to WebAssembly. Bartholomew (our CMS) is blazingly fast, SEO-optimized, and consumes minimal system resources. It is easier to use than the popular static site generators and has all the benefits of a dynamic CMS. Best of all, it shows the promise of WebAssembly on the cloud side. In this talk, we share the design of this CMS and talk about how it’s running. We’ll talk about the limitations we encountered (and overcame) with WebAssembly, as well as our early performance and optimization work. Along the way, we will talk about why we chose HashiCorp Nomad as our clustering technology. And we’ll introduce Wagi (WebAssembly Gateway Interface), the HTTP engine that powers our CMS.
Outside of the presentation, Matt and Radu will also be around for the rest of KubeCon at the Krustlet and Helm booths in the Open Source Pavilion.
More details can be found here.